Nice bruv!
Nice bruv!
Looks Great!
Smooth and well proportioned, good coloring.
Rly noa
I see what you did there...
You concentrated on all the advanced effects, but you were careless of the fact that you need GOOD AUDIO...
This is an awesome idea, I mean, it is crazy cool, but I could not understand a word you were saying.
and try not using loops all the time, it is very noticible in this case, and kinda makes us uniterested fast.
You had multiple spelling errors (Mortal Kombart)
Maybe it is a reference, I dont know, but dont try making this anything but an action flick.
Spruce up you textures and detail, you have the looks done, just not the color and effects, and btw, your sfx are way outta sync, for the the helicopter.
I stopped watching it when the he started using the laptop in the car.
I didn`t see how that would have gotten any better
crunk and koo... an original faggot vocab LOLLLOLO
Great job, i especially like your new addition to the portal, great, I liked the fact that you brought in Asterix and Obilix, they are originally french, which took me by suprise to see you use them, I like the research that went into this, you had to find all the moves and stuff for each character you didnt already know about, if I am right, and I know I am hahaha, Newgrounds need more dedication like yours to the portal, you fall with Tom, Stamper, and Utah, Great Work.
It was awsome...
Just one problem, people feel deeper for action when they know it is comming right when it happens, not know that it is comming like 1 secind before it happens, speed up the fps, it should look great, try using a V-Cam to make motion shots, it would look like 120% better, you for sure would get front page, all this flash is missing is creativity, don't be afraid to take like 2 weeks to make it, because the better it is, the longer you will be recognized for your flash.
When I watch this movie, I saw how in-depth this flash actually was, it shows how gullible we can be towards love and life, how everday brings insight towards yourself.
The flaw of actions is mpenetrable in this movie, and that even when your sure about something it can come back and bite you right in the arse.
This whole movie shows that the reality of what we do can go unchanged, and making the wrong dicission will bring you farther into depression, given if the severity of the wrong doing is great enough, as is the accidental birth in this very flash.
This movie probably got 2nd place of all time due to the fact people can relate to it so well, and its everyday drama.
I can say that you have created thee most near realistic (drama sense) to life movie.
People have had accidental births.
Had their mmoney stolen in whatever sense.
Lost there license to a DUI.
Had to squabble with the DMV.
Have the same day over and over again.
I don't think many people realise how simple life is, and how fast it can be messed up.
I thank you for this flash, and I will surely look for new submissions from you.
Great Job, Keep it Up.
- Zac
Fucking Brilliant, it was so in sync
The sounds, the action, fucking great stuff, btu it would have been on the front page with some more high quality textures and some kind of plot plus a kickass starting sequence.
you got the moving camera down and high quality sounds, this is great.
Heh, thanks man. I still need to improve on texturing as such, but i'm getting better with upcoming animations.
Just get your movements pinned down.
If you do that, you will be fine.
Humour was in the Audio, Audio wa clear.
Style was nothing new.
Graphic were sprites so had to base it on movements and such.
But keep practicing and you will do great.
Thanks! I've been practicing! I've subbmitted a new flash to the alpha's.
Thats all your music man, nothing new, whatsup with that?
DDR is a awsome game, but I only like too hear the songs when playing it while dancing on Difficult, not listening to it when Dancing "nothing".
Try Iron Maiden or Something LAWL XD
Thank you :)
Finally Someone That Appreciates a great man and a wildlife hero.\
He will be missed :'(
I PWNZ! o_0
Age 34, Male
LUMBERJACK!!!1!!. .0
Quebec High School
British Columbia, Canada
Joined on 10/13/05